MONTEVIDEO, taste of a dream – TV SERIES (2012)

Original title: Montevideo Bog te video

Original title: Montevideo Bog te video
Produced by: Intermedia Network
Number of episodes: 9
Runtime: 45mins
Season 1 Broadcast: 2012
Broadcaster: Serbian National Television (RTS)

The show tells a story about Serbia and its capital, Belgrade, during the 1930s; how it established itself as a metropolis through external social influence and the resistance against impending fascism. Furthermore, this is a tale about the vision of people who embraced a young sport, football, and contributed toward it becoming the most relentless global phenomenon of the present.

Creating a TV series was imperative for the ‘Montevideo, Taste of a Dream’ project. The extended TV format was found to be the most suitable solution for fully capturing the spirit of the times, and bringing the charm of an era, its historical figures and their creation of a legend to a wide audience.

The beginning of the series brings us back to the 1930s and introduces us to a group of young enthusiasts from Čubura, Belgrade. They are passionate players and supporters of their local football clubs and witnesses or participants in the altercations within the Football Association, which emerge as a premonition of times to come. Amid the emotional and social turmoil are the preparations for the first World Cup in Montevideo, Uruguay, an event few believe in and support even less. Through all this we get to know the characters, their football odysseys, fears, doubts and numerous obstacles, but also their stark bravery and determination to ensure a place in history for their country.