Original title: Olimpijske igre – 11 grčkih slikara stvara za Marusi

Date: September 20th – 28th, 2004
Works exhibited: 22
Venue: Konak Knjeginje Ljubice, Belgrade, Serbia

This cultural manifestation was organized in cooperation with the Maroussi Olympic community and with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Greece. In the scope of the Cultural Olympiad, the exhibition was presented in the Olympic cities and it contained 22 work of arts created by 11 Greek modern painters.
The exhibition was opened by the Secretary Culture of the Olympic community Maroussi, PhD. Nikolas Dusis-Rasisas, who awarded the production house IntermediaNetwork and the Third Channel of Serbian National TV (RTS) due to the popularization of the community, as well as for the spreading of the Olympic spirit during the Olympic Games in Athens.

The exhibitors presenting their work of arts were: Panayiotis Gravalos, Vlassis Kaniaris, Chistos Karas, Nikos Kessanlis, Giannis Migadis, Chronis Botsloglou, Dimitris Mytaras, Pavlos Dionisopulos, Kostas Tsoklis, Alekos Fassianos i Giannis Psychopedis, the distinguished artists of the modern Greek art painting, who gave their support to the Greek local self-government idea – that art should not necessarily be exclusivity of elitism, but a part of everyday life.
The works were created in different techniques, from oil and acrylic painting to mixed techniques. Nevertheless, each and every painting supports one idea, universal for all the nations and cultures – the idea of the Olympic and communal spirit.