Original title: Srbi u grčkom sportu

Project Author and Creative Producer: Zvonimir Šimunec
Organized by: The Embassy of Serbia in Athens and
the Greek-Serbian Business Council
President of the Organizing Committee: Branko M. Lazarević
Auspiced by: H.E. President of the Republic of Greece, Karolos Papoulias
Coproduction by: IntermediaNetwork
Associates: Aleksandar Miletić and Ivan Cvetković
Date: October 5th, 2012
Venue: Megaro muzikus, Athens, Greece

Spanning three decades, 29 Serbian sportsmen and coaches won a total of 186 trophies and titles. This alone was reason enough for the event “Serbs in Greek sport” to be held, under patronage of the Greek president Karolos Papoulias. The event was organized by the Serbian Embassy and the Greek-Serbian Business Counsel with aim of honoring those who have significantly contributed to Greek sports. Coaches, players and all those who have advanced the athletic spirit in Greece were acknowledged during the ceremony with awards and plaques, respectively. Legendary Serbian basketball coaches Željko Obradović and Dušan Ivković became the honorary citizens of Athens and Piraeus and were awarded by the mayors Giorgos Kaminis and Vasilis Michaloliakos.

Many Serbian sport players and officials, considered heroes in Greece, were present: Predrag Stojaković, Žarko Paspalj, Dejan Tomašević, Ivan Miljković, Darko Kovačević, Predrag Ðorđević, Ilija Ivić, Marko Pantelić, Dejana Brđović, Branislav Prelević, coaches Božidar Maljković, Vlada Ðurović, Dušan Šakota, Zoran Gajića, Nikola Stamenić and Dušan Bajević.

Apart from the exhibition of photographs, collected especially for this event, a thematic film was screened that thrilled a full hall of guests. In tact with the tradition and friendship of the two nations, Dejan Petrović (officially the world’s best trumpet player) and his Big Band, entertained the guests as a grand finale to the ceremony.