IDLERS (2005)

Original title: Dangube

Produced by: IntermediaNetwork (Serbia) and MTS (Serbia)
Director: Milorad Milinković
Screenplay: Milorad Milinković, Vladimir Đurić, Dušan Bulić
Director of photography: Miloš Spasojević
Production Designer: Miroslava Andrejević
Editor: Goran Milanović
Music: Jova Jović
Cast: Slobodan Ninković, Katarina Radivojević, Ljubinka Klarić, Srđan Miletić, Milenko Zablačanski, Dejan Matić, Milorad Mandić Manda
Number of Episodes: 14
Duration: 25mins each
Genre: Sitcom, Comedy
Broadcast: March 2005
TV Station: 3K, Channel 3, Serbian National Television (RTS)

The action takes place in a Belgrade café where completely different characters gather. The cafe is owned by two men who are not too good at running this business, partly because each of them has his own goal and his own life story, which differ too much to make it possible for them to be a team.

The idea of the series is to conjure up a city spirit where sitting in cafés is the most common style of social activities, almost a way of life of sorts and to through these portrayals, criticize stereotypes, individuals and the society by presenting various events and stories in a satirical way.